Pooped for Performance Management

Friday, January 2, 2009

It's a new year and time for new projects!!! We have just completed our new Performance Management system and its up, running, and doing quite well.

Our new system was all built from scratch using ASP.NET 2.0 with a Microsoft SQL Server back-end. The new site includes some cool for us but pretty industry standard features including a visual process map so it's harder to get lost during the process, a task based system that lets employees and leaders know what needs to be done and when, as well as a new spiffied up tab/wizard interface for each major process including goal planning and evaluation writing.

That being said, it is now time for some new projects!! Yippee!!! I also have grand hopes of writing a bit more in this space about what I am currently working on, big wins, and some notes/thoughts of my current research.

See you more through the new year!


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